Develop your business in...

Cloud Computing, IaaS, PaaS

Cloud computing is one of the main business opportunities for the 10 years to come. Distribution will play a major part in the progression of concept and technologies in companies.


SaaS or Software as Service is going to play an increasing role; it will offer more efficiency, better mobility and improved security. This is the best future market for publishers, integrators and resellers

Dematerialization, MPS, GED

Legal stakes and cost reductions drive companies and authorities to develop dematerialization projects (coming in & going out documents, documents with legal value). Do not miss this huge market!

Mobility, M2M, NFC, RFID (to come)

The continuous improvement of communication infrastructure, communication technologies, and terminals allows almost total mobility and 24h/365 days access to information, whatever the place.

Security and networks (to come)

Virtualization, convergence, and Cloud Computing are based on an infrastructure and on keeping data safe. Distribution is at the heart of companies, to make recommendations on setting up their LAN infrastructure and security.


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